Beyond Questionnaires: Unlocking Effective Third-Party Risk Management

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Any CISO knows that effective third-party risk management (TPRM) is elusive. Existing TPRM approaches like security questionnaires and risk ratings have significant tradeoffs often resulting in inadequate risk mitigation and broken processes.

With growing third-party ecosystems, security teams need fast and accurate intelligence about their entire third-party ecosystem.

Get our webinar (as seen at RSAC) and discover how artifact-based assessments can help you go from risk management to risk mastery. Learn how to leverage AI-powered technology to:

  • Instantly derive high-fidelity insights from evidence and artifacts
  • Gain a more comprehensive understanding of your third-party risk landscape throughout its lifecycle
  • Make actionable decisions to remediate risk and protect your organization

As organizations continue to face evolving cybersecurity challenges, it’s essential to look beyond traditional methods, such as questionnaires, for a third-party risk management solution. The complexity of today’s digital ecosystems—with an ever-growing network of vendors and partners—demands a more comprehensive and dynamic approach.

In this webinar, we explore how integrating real-time data, automation, and a proactive mindset can transform the third-party risk landscape. You will learn from industry experts about the latest trends and tools that allow for faster, more accurate assessments, ultimately helping organizations maintain security while still moving at the speed of business.

The discussion also highlights the importance of continuous monitoring and collaboration between security teams and vendors. By fostering stronger, more transparent relationships, organizations can not only mitigate risk but also improve operational efficiency.

Join us as we delve into strategies that empower security leaders to address the increasing risks posed by third-party vendors—without sacrificing growth or agility. This is your chance to understand how to truly unlock the full potential of effective third-party risk management.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how AI is redefining third-party risk management.